I caught this one right before sunrise this morning, on Lake LBJ. Its good to start the day off right. The sky was overcast, there was a light breeze out of the South-East -- almost perfect conditions. I say 'almost', because with all of the storms passing through this weekend, the lake looked like watered-down chocolate milk. I started out in the same place as I have for the last two trips. I used the same
Lucky Craft lipless crankbait - the one I modified by painting a small black dot just behind the gills. I caught 8 bass within the first 30 minutes.
Interestingly, this spot was not as soupy as the rest of the lake. It wasn't exactly clear either, but as they say, "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King." I think the bass were hanging out deep on the backside of the rocky point, then slamming shad as they passed overhead. I was using my Quantum Burner 7:1 reel, and ripping the lure through the water. My strategy was to give them as much noise, flash, and vibration as possible. I guess the strategy worked.
Once I fished this area out, I proceeded up the shoreline where there were some lay-down logs. I pitched a chartreuse willow-leaf spinner, and slow rolled across the tops of the logs. I got one swipe, and caught one bass.

As I rounded the next point, the water was thrashing with white bass (sandies). There was hundreds of them. I literally caught a fish on every cast, and wore out 3 of the six hooks that was on my lure. I was still catching fish with two broken treble hooks! These were all small, but they were fun to catch.
As the sun came up over the horizon, the bite tapered off quickly. I tried to fish the weed beds with a soft plastic jerkbait, but the water was so cloudy that I could not locate the outside weed-line. I tried to fish a frog, but drew no strikes. I went back out to the main lake, and tried a few other spots that have panned out during my last couple of trips. I caught one or two here and there, but nothing spectacular. By 10:00, I had caught 15 black bass. Two of them were decent size, but most of them were on the small side.
I decided to check out a couple of places I had spotted on my map. These spots were either side of Beaver Island. I caught one small bass on a soft-plastic jerkbait, but that was it. I stayed up late last night working on a program for my blog, so I was worn out by 11:00 AM. Even though the wind was beginning to shift out of the North-East, which may have been the change needed to trigger more aggressive action, I decided to call it a day, and go home. At least now, I know a couple of new areas to avoid.