Little Rock
Published Wednesday, June 14, 2006 by Scott James Gaspard | E-mail this post 
I spent the afternoon in Little Rock, Arkansas today. The plain ride there was over some interesting terrain. I saw lots of natural lakes from the air, and several reservoirs, with lots of trees. I remember fishing in South West Arkansas once, as a kid. I seem to recall catching a really big bass on a Zebco 33. The reel fell apart as I brought in the fish, but I still managed to get it in the boat. I was only about 12 years old. The guide didn't seem to happy that I caught that huge bass. The more I fish, the more I realize how elusive the really big bass seem to be. The largest I've landed in three years has been about six and a half pounds.

I also remember catching a bunch of rainbow trout on the Little Red River in Arkansas. That was a great experience, too. I remember we used a salmon egg on a small hook, and floated it above the bottom by one foot. We were on a fast moving, shallow but wide stream in a river boat. I found a large old-timer knife on the stream bed in excellent condition, that I kept for years. I would like to fish there again -- maybe I'll plan a camping trip, someday.