Fish With Human Teeth
Published Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by Scott James Gaspard | E-mail this post 

Strange fish with nasty teeth caught near Lubbock, Texas
I'm guessing someone let a pet pacu go in the local pond, and it grew up. This one looks like a heavy smoker. Here's the story quoted from
Local6.comFisherman Scott Curry reeled in the 20-pound fish on Buffalo Springs Lake and immediately noticed the catch had human-like teeth.
A game warden photographed the fish and is attempting to identify it.
General Manager of Buffalo Springs Lake Greg Thornton told KLBK13-TV in Texas that he has never seen anything like the fish in the 36 years he has lived near the lake.
A search for what the fish may be suggested that it may be a pacu, which is found in South America.
Curry said he believes he saw another similar fish while on the lake.
A Texas television station reported that lake officials will give $100 to anyone catching a similar fish.